About Us

Fysikolashes.com is owned and operated by

Beauty Essentials LLC

11086 Sandy Dunes Dr

Sandy, UT 84094


text to (801)671-0251


Fysiko Lashes is a part of natural cosmetic product line Fysiko Products, manufactured and distributed by Beauty Essentials LLC.

Beauty Essentials LLC had been established in 2003 in Sandy, UT USA.

Fysiko Lashes Brand had been inspired by Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum, first product of Fysiko Lashes. Fysiko Lashes is made in Utah USA in small batches with care, integrity and  love.

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum ( now Fysiko Eyelash and Eyebrow Serum) had been created in 2009 and became very popular fast.

It is now available in two sizes and has some supporting products, part of Fysiko Lashes Brand.

Fysiko" means "natural" in Greek and pronounced [fi-zi-'ko].

Fysiko Products line dedicated to natural and safe products.

Fysiko products are not sold in retail stores, it is EXCLUSIVELY distributed through spas, salons and boutiques.

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum had been manufactured since 2009 and has tens of thousands loyal customers all over the world.

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum was sold to customers in England, Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UAE, Latvia, Estonia and other countries.

Fysiko Products are made in USA in small batches with safety and integrity.

Fysiko Products are never tested on animals.

text inquiries to (801)671-0251

Facebook: https://facebook.com/fysikolashes

Customer Service : sales@fysikolashes.com

Marketing : marketing@fysikolashes.com

General Information : info@fysikolashes.com

To request wholesale information : wholesale@fysikolashes.com