A lot of women would like to know how to grow long eyelashes
A video, showing how a girl with already long and full eyelashes, is using Vaseline to condition eyelashes and eyebrows, has over 4 millions views. We all wish it would be so easy to grow long eyelashes with a little of Vaseline applied daily. Well, not really. While any moisturizing agent, olive oil, Vaseline, castor oil will help to improve quality of eyelash hair, just like hair conditioner improves quality of hair, it wouldn’t make eyelashes grow, just like conditioner for hair doesn’t make hair grow, although makes it look much better.
Benefits of moisturizing eyelashes are obvious – prevents breakage of eyelashes, makes eyelashes stronger and creates a barrier between eyelashes and chemicals in mascara.
If you are not applying any eyelash conditioner for your eyelashes, you should. It usually comes in the tube with mascara like applicator wand. Eyelash conditioner will need to have vitamins and moisturizing agents which are applied to the wholes length of eyelash hair and improves hair quality.